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About us "Eko-Bloks" started its activities at the end of 2007 when the company established its production plant of paving stone and concrete products in cooperation with the EU Structural Funds.
"Eko Bloks" manufactures concrete paving stones and curbstones for sidewalks and roads and other concrete products. The products are widely used in both private housing and road building for pedestrians and traffic.
Thanks to the hard work and experience for years, and production of high quality products have gained a significant role in paving stones market. The evidenced for this is the recognition in private sector and also long term cooperation with large road construction companies that have chosen us as an independent supplier.
"Eko Bloks" products are present not only in Riga and its neighborhood, but also in other towns such as Salacgriva, Tuja, Livani, Rezekne, Cesvaine Dobele, Kandava, Vane, etc.